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slow axis中文是什么意思

用"slow axis"造句"slow axis"怎么读"slow axis" in a sentence


  • 慢轴(晶片的)


  • In fast axis the divergentce of each beam is 0 . 28o , in slow axis is 1 . 4o , the area of field from the end of ld stack 20cm is 42 25mm2 , average wave is 9 . 3 % . so , it can meet the requirement of pumping , and the effect is fairly good
    具体数据为:各输出光束在快轴方向的发散角为0 . 28o ,在慢轴方向的发散角为1 . 4o ,输出光场在距ld面阵发射端面20cm处的面积为42 25mm2 ,平均波纹起伏为9 . 3 % ,可见整形效果较好
用"slow axis"造句  
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